Regularly update the Linux system and software packages to protect against any security vulnerabilities/threats

Use strong passwords for all user accounts, including root, and enable two-factor authentication for extra layer of security

Limit user privileges to only what is necessary to perform their tasks.

Use secure remote access methods such as SSH and avoid using insecure protocols like Telnet or FTP.

Use secure remote access methods such as SSH and avoid using insecure protocols like Telnet or FTP.

Configure a firewall to restrict incoming and outgoing network traffic.

Disable unnecessary services and remove any packages or modules that are not being used.

Monitor system logs regularly for unusual activity, and set up alerts to notify administrators.

Use encryption for sensitive data, such as passwords and confidential information, and consider using full-disk encryption.

Educate users about security best practices, such as not sharing passwords, avoiding phishing scams, and reporting suspicious activity to the IT team