DevOps brings development and operations teams together. There are many tools in the DevOps toolchain. Our pick for most popular tools are:

Jenkins is the most popular CICD tool. Jenkins is completely open source and can be extended with the help of plugin extensions


Pagerduty is a popular incident management solution to support continuous delivery. It can provide real-time alerts, automated Escalations, etc.


Docker is the open-source popular Container platform. It helps in easily building, testing, and shipping applications


Kubernetes is a popular orchestration platform that helps developers to run containerised applications across the cluster.


Ansible is the best automation tool for DevOps using which DevOps teams can automate various operations.


Maven is a popular build tool. It is used to build projects in java, scala, ruby, etc.


Jira has many tools designed to help teams to plan, assign, report work, and bring teams together for agile methodology
