conda delete environment

How to perform conda delete environment in 2023

In this blog we will understand how to perform various operations in the conda environment like conda delete environment,conda list environment,conda create an environment, etc. so let’s get started.

What is conda

Conda is an open-source package and environment management system. It was created to manage dependencies for Python programs but it can package and distribute software for any programming language.

Conda create environment

In this session, we will create a new conda virtual environment. The syntax for creating the virtual environment is

Conda create environment syntax


conda create --name  <Virtual_environment_name>

Let’s use the above syntax to create a virtual environment called naive-skill

conda create --name naive-skill
Conda create environment

Conda list environment

The user can verify the environment by typing the env list command.

conda env list 
Conda list environment

The conda env list command lists all the virtual environment that exists in your system.

Conda activate environment

Once the virtual environment is created, users need to activate it by typing the below command

conda activate naive-skill
Conda activate environment

In the command prompt, if the virtual environment name is visible, it means the environment is successfully activated.

Conda list all packages

Once you are inside the virtual environment, you can type the below command to list all the installed packages in the environment.

conda list

The above command lists all the packages available in the naive-skill environment.

Conda list all packages

Conda deactivate the current environment

If you are inside the virtual environment and you wish to deactivate it, then you can simply pass the below command to deactivate the current environment and change to the current environment which is base

conda deactivate
Conda deactivate the current environment

The above command deactivates the naive-skill virtual environment.

Conda delete environment

A user can use the conda remove command to remove the virtual environment completely and it will remove the installed packages as well.

Syntax of Conda delete environment

The conda delete environment command follows the below syntax

conda-env remove [-h] [-n ENVIRONMENT | -p PATH] [--experimental-solver {classic,libmamba,libmamba-draft}] [-d] [--json] [-q] [-v] [-y]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --experimental-solver {classic,libmamba,libmamba-draft}
                        EXPERIMENTAL. Choose which solver backend to use.

Target Environment Specification:
                        Name of environment.
  -p PATH, --prefix PATH
                        Full path to environment location (i.e. prefix).

Output, Prompt, and Flow Control Options:
  -d, --dry-run         Only display what would have been done.
  --json                Report all output as json. Suitable for using conda programmatically.
  -q, --quiet           Do not display progress bar.
  -v, --verbose         Can be used multiple times. Once for INFO, twice for DEBUG, three times for TRACE.
  -y, --yes             Sets any confirmation values to 'yes' automatically. Users will not be asked to confirm any adding, deleting, backups, etc.

Now let’s use this command to remove the naive-skill virtual environment.

conda env remove --name naive-skill

Instead of –name, a user can also use the -n flag to remove the conda environment.

conda env remove -n naive-skill

Conda clone environment

conda also gives us the feature to create a clone of the existing virtual environment. This can be achieved by passing the –clone flag while creating the virtual environment.

Let’s create a virtual environment that is a clone of the naive-skill virtual environment.

conda create --name naive-skill-cloned --clone naive-skill

Conda activation issues

CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use ‘conda activate’

If you are getting the above error while creating the virtual environment then you need to follow the below steps

crate the virtual environment

conda create --name naive-skill

Source the bash

source activate base

activate virtual environment

conda activate naive-skill


I hope you liked this detailed tutorial on the conda delete environment. Please do let me know if you are facing any issues while following along.

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